Two Weeks
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:49 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Song Author
All That Remains
File Size
94 KB
Don't count on the bass to be right since I've based it off the duelling guitars. Still, it gives you an idea of how you could
play it.
Also, as you probably already know, I don't tolerate comments saying "it's wrong because the positions are wrong" s
o I advise you don't comment crap like that. My tab, my interpretation. I want it to SOUND right.
And as strange as it may s
eem, people have told me I take tabs like this one from the book because I put heaps of random rests in, like in the pre-chorus
on Guitar 1. I've studied advanced music theory for two years; I know how to make a tab look good.